Appleton Reserve Blend 750ML
Appleton Reserve Blend 750ML
Appleton Estate Reserve Blend is rich with oak, nutmeg, and smoky spices. It’s an aromatic blend of 20 rums, with two from very rare ‘reserve stock’ that are managed by Joy and her team. It’s these rare and special rums that give Reserve Blend its delicious complexity, making it entirely versatile. It’s perfect for sipping, or transforming ordinary drinks into extraordinary cocktails.
Appleton Estate Reserve Blend is a ‘blended rum’, which means it is a combination of several rums of different styles and ages and does not have an age statement. 20 select aged rums, aged for an average of 6 years (no age statement on the bottle). Perfect for elevated rum cocktails or can also be enjoyed neat.
Nose: On the nose, there is honey, spices, orange zest, vanilla, nutmeg and a hint of hazelnut.
Taste: The palate, generous and honeyed, confirms these flavors of caramel and sugar cane.
Color: Topaz-dress with shiny honey golden highlights.
Final: The final note is persistent, spicy and biscuit.
ABV: 40%
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