ZOA Pure Vodka 700ml
ZOA Pure Vodka 700ml
A silky smooth, pure vodka that captures the very spirit of New Zealand. With a luscious mouthfeel, this exquisite vodka offers slightly creamy flavors with delicate hints of green apple, citrus, and faint aromas of freshly baked bread and lemongrass. Awarded the trophy for Best Overall Vodka at the 2023 New Zealand Spirits Awards, it’s perfect enjoyed straight or as the ideal base for a Martini or Cosmopolitan.
ZOA Pure Vodka was proudly awarded the trophy for Best Overall Vodka at the 2023 New Zealand Spirits Awards. The secret lies in the timeless journey of our rich mineral water, capturing the very spirit of New Zealand in this smooth, clean, pure vodka. Beginning as pure rainfall swept from the vast Southern Ocean, then falling as snow on Mount Taranaki, it gently trickles for millennia through volcanic rock, absorbing an exquisite mix of delicate dissolved minerals.
This perfect base for our distillation alchemy produces an exquisite spirit, slightly creamy, with a luscious mouthfeel. The alcohol warmth is softened with delicate, silky hints of green apple and citrus, and faint aromas of freshly baked bread and lemongrass. ZOA Vodka is enjoyed straight or as the perfect base for a Martini or Cosmopolitan.
Abv: 40%
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