Craggy Range

Craggy Range Kidnappers Chardonnay 2024 750ml


Craggy Range Kidnappers Chardonnay 750ml

The cool yet sunny environment of our Te Awanga Vineyard near Cape Kidnappers allows the development of intense Chardonnay flavours in the grapes, captured using traditional winemaking techniques seen in the Chablis region of France.


Pale lime to pale straw. One of the best vintages of this vineyard in recent memory. Great complexity with nashi pear, roasted almonds but undeniable citrus tones of lemon zest. The palate is as compelling as it is fresh. Pithy grapefruit texture carries kafir lime leaf and freshly ground cashew notes across the mouth. Fantastic persistent acidity ensures that one reaches almost immediately for the second glass.

FOOD MATCH: Comté cheese, truffle pasta.

Alc: 13% 

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