Taittinger Vintage 2015 Brut 750ml
Taittinger Vintage 2015 Brut 750ml
An elegant vintage! 2015 is remembered for its classic growth cycle. The particularly mild winter gave way to a varied spring with a period of freezing temperatures followed by intense heat.
Aroma: A crisp and elegant sparkling wine with strong floral, biscuity and stonefruit aromas.
Palate: The crisp palate cascading with opulence and poise. The Chardonnays combined notes of white blossom with citrus notes and their palate full and acidic. The Pinot Noirs had subtle, fresh aromas of tart white fruits and scattered notes of red fruits. They showed a vivid and fresh structure on the palate. This Champagne comes in a giftbox.
ABV: 12%
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