Haymans old Tom Gin London Miniature 50ml
Haymans old Tom Gin London Miniature 50ml
It is produced longest serving family owned gin distiller in England today. It is made under the careful supervision of Chairman and industry recognised top distiller, Christopher Hayman. It is produced from an original Old Tom Gin recipe from the family archives. It is lightly sweeter version of gin that is botanically intensive that consequently delivers a balanced and mild undertone which results in a subtle and distinctive gin experience. Old Tom Gin became popular in the 18th Century and was the drink of choice in the 19th century. The style of Old Tom Gin is a more rounded taste experience with depth. It is the key ingredient of classic cocktails such as Martinez and Tom Collins. It is renowned for its botanicals intensity balance with a light sweetness, which imparts a more complex experience than other styles of gin. Old Toms Gin was traditionally made from 100% grain spirit and distilled in a pot with juniper berries being the most dominant flavour.
Alc: 40%
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