Ardnamurchan AD Rum Cask Highland Single Malt 700ml
Ardnamurchan AD Rum Cask Highland Single Malt 700ml
The first Ardnamurchan single malt whisky was released in 2020. The Ardnamurchan Distillery in the Western Highlands has since released dozens of bottlings already. This is one of them, from 2023. The malt is finished in rum casks and bottled at 55% Alc.
Expect a fruit-forward yet earthy nose, with lemon gelato, overripe apricot, dusty hay, heavily salted cashew, vanilla and dried banana. The palate brings flavours of candied grapefruit, stracciatella ice cream, red cedar, guava and buttercream icing, before a spritzy and bright medium-length finish.
Alc: 55%
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