Green Tree Fairy

Absinthe Green Tree Fairy 70% 500ml

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Absinthe Green Tree Fairy 500ml

The oldest absinthe from the Czech Republic. With a smooth flavour that has stood the test of 90 years. It is characterised by its uniquely unequalled fragrance and savour with forrest and bitter notes, appraised by herbaceous spirit lovers. 70%

First Impression: Wormwood and mint–hyssop, lemon balm alcohol are not as much in the foreground as one might think at 120 proof. Sweetish and minty smell overall with traces of coriander and cubeb.

Appearance: Clear, bright green colour in the bottle, more green-blue in glass- On swirling, leaves a thin coat on the glass with scalloping and very thin legs developing. Louche is poor to nonexistent compared to a French Absinthe.

Taste: Not overly complex- mint and wormwood, with a distinct midline bitter drying on the tongue. Hot, jalapeno-like finish.

ABV: 70%

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