Brown Brothers
Brown Brothers Dolcetto & Syrah 2022 750ml
Brown Brothers Dolcetto & Syrah 750ml
Dolcetto and Syrah is a fantastic light red wine that is served slightly chilled and is a good match with a wide range of foods, from spicy Asian to desserts. Try it with a Thai red beef curry loaded with freshly chopped chilli and coriander and serve it with jasmine rice. For the dessert option, a raspberry panna cotta with seasonal berries and double cream would be ideal.
Colour: This wine is magenta.
Aroma: Aromas of red jubes, blackberries, red currants, hints of spice and liquorice.
Palate: The palate has flavours of ripe summer berries and a natural grape sweetness that is balanced by the frizante mouth-feel providing a refreshing, lively finish.
Alc: 10%
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