Elephant Hill Le Phant Rouge 2023 750ml
Elephant Hill Le Phant Rouge 750ml
Elephant Hill are a Hawke’s Bay producer with class and style. They set the bar sky high when it comes to quality and that might be something to do with their German owners, Roger and Reydan Weiss, that spare no expense in running this state of the art winery located on the stunning Te Awanga coastline, and boast one of the finest winery restaurants in NZ!
It is a medium-bodied Merlot dominant blend displaying cassis, plum and red cherry characters with a succulent texture and great lenth. Savoury bouquet and palate with smokey oak, rosemary and star anise with soft undertones of leather. Very soft but warming white pepper notes that warm and complement the silky tannin to complete a rounded mouthfeel.
Alc: 13.5%
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