Rockburn Central Otago Stolen Kiss Rose 2024 750ml
Rockburn Central Otago Stolen Kiss Rose 750ml
It all started with a kiss! A stolen Kiss Rose back in 2006, when winemaker Malcolm Rees-Francis "stole" some Pinot Noir grapes that were destined for Rockburn's flagship Central Otago Pinot Noir and turned them into one of the country's first premium Rose Wines.
The frivolous and fruity side of Central Otago Pinot Noir is bound up in this bottle of Stolen Kiss rosé; once unleashed into your glass its candy-floss and crème-brûlée aromas shall sashay into a flirtatious toffee-apple and simmering strawberry palate smeared with cherry lip-gloss; most fun to drink chilled on sultry summer afternoons and evenings.
Alc: 13.5%
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