Triplebank Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 750ml
Triplebank Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 750ml
This light gold wine meets the nose with a wide-ranging bouquet of heady aromas ranging from honey and meadow flowers to melon, gooseberry, nettle, cut grass and white pepper. The palate is full and weighty, with pear, peach and passionfruit notes, shot through with citrus acidity and a racy minerality.
This wine is complex and layered, inviting you to linger and discover. Serve this wine lightly chilled, with tapas-style snacks. Later on, try this wine with grilled meaty fish such as tuna or swordfish. Walnut, pear and blue cheese rocket salad will be a hit, and fragrant asian food such as Thai green curry or Pad Thai will work well too.
Alc: 13.5%
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