Glen Scotia

Glen Scotia Victoriana 54.2% Campbel Town 700ml


Glen Scotia Victoriana CampbelTown 700ml

Glen Scotia Victoriana, a true Campbeltown whisky, inspired by Victorian times. This cask-strength single malt is one for whisky connoisseurs.

Situated at the foot of the Kintyre peninsula in the historic whisky-producing region of Campbeltown, Glen Scotia has had a bit of a make-over of late with the release of three impressive new expressions.

The Victoriana is a very approachable introduction to the distillery style, quite fruity in nature with citrus hints and plenty of woody spice. They have finished off a maturation in charred oak casks imparting rich caramel vanilla and cocoa characteristic. Bottled straight from the cask without filtration at 54.2%, a few drops of water can really soften and develop those fruity notes.

Alc: 54.2%

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