Bols Honey Liqueur 700ml
Bols Honey Liqueur 700ml
Bols Liqueur, the number 1 liqueur collection, contains around 40 unique flavours.
Bols Liqueurs are used by professional bartenders worldwide to make cocktails.
Since 1575, Bols has mastered the art of distilling and mixing drinks, using high-quality natural ingredients such as herbs, spices and fruits.
The inspiration for making Bols liqueurs goes back more than 440 years, and can be found in ancient recipes and techniques that are perfected and adapted to modern tastes.
Bartenders have always had a problem making mixed drinks with real honey because it always settled on the bottom of the glass and was difficult to remove. That's why 20,000 bartenders developed Bols Honey Liqueur in six months.
Tasting notes:
Colour: Amber with accents of copper.
Nose: sweet, vanilla, floral notes, hints of toffee.
Flavour: floral, sweet, honey, notes of orange and toasted almonds.
Finish: Long lasting.
Bol's Honey Liqueur is ideal for mixed drinks, but also fits very well in tea, coffee, whether hot or cold.
Alc: 17%
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