Cocchi Americano Rosa 750ml
Cocchi Rosa Aperitivo Americano 750ml
Cocchi Rosa name reminds us that it’s produced with red wines, from which it derives its colour and wild rose notes. Refined with natural extracts of flowers and spices, in particular gentian, cinchona and citrus as per the Americano Bianco but with the addition of saffron, vanilla and rose petals. Its beautiful red colour is completely natural and derives from the wine.
The classic version foresees a cocktail glass with ice cubes, a spray of soda and a zest of rose grapefruit.
Soda can be pleasantly replaced with ginger beer, lemon soda and tonic water.
In its spritz version, Cocchi Rosa is mixed with Brachetto wine and a zest of rose grapefruit or lemon. Garnish it with rosemary.
The combination with spirits such as gin, vodka and mescal is particularly positive. Cocchi Rosa is a perfect ingredient for the new trend of “low octane” cocktails, with low alcohol content.
Alc: 16.5%
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