Graham Norton's Pink Gin 700ml
Graham Norton's Pink Gin 700ml
Great gin is a starting point. Add the right mixers, a favourite glass and a friend or two and you have a recipe for something very special indeed. Graham Norton Graham Norton's Own Pink Gin is small-batch distilled in West Cork. Then, when the weather's right and the flowers are blooming, we forage local rosehip, fuchsia petals and gooseberries to round out the blend of 12 botanicals that gives Graham's Gin a flavour as distinctive as the man himself. An infusion of rose petals adds that final blush and a subtle summer nose. Crafted in collaboration with Invivo - home of Graham Norton's Own Wine since 2014.
PRODUCED: West Cork, Ireland
TASTING NOTE: Made with Irish grain, this Pink GiN draws its flavour from a combination of 12 botanicals including rose petals, kaffir lime and rosehip. It's all underpinned by locally foraged native Fuchsia flowers, which give a delicate aromatic expression and smoothness.
SERVING SUGGESTION: Pour with a premium tonic, a twist of lime and a handful of edible rose petals. Preserve any leftover rose petals by freezing in ice cubes ready for next time!
ABV: 40%
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