Kumeu River
Kumeu River Estate Pinot Gris 2024 750ml
Kumeu River Estate Pinot Gris 750ml
The Pinot Gris vineyards we have in Kumeu are producing grapes of high quality consistently that allow us to make wine that is rich, complex and delicious.
The aromas have typical peach and stone fruit notes tinged with the floral perfume that we have come to expect from Pinot Gris.
On the palate the wine is rich and complex with a lively texture on the palate. Pinot Gris is a variety that goes particularly well with food, including quite intensely flavoured dishes. It is also one of the few wine styles that can handle the spiciness of chilli, so together with the sweet succulence of prawns, a nicely chilled bottle of Kumeu River Pinot Gris makes up a spectacular combination.
Drink with Seafood, Pasta, Chicken
Alc: 14%
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