Belvedere Vodka 700ml
Belvedere Vodka 700ml
The world's first super-premium vodka, Belvedere represents the pinnacle of the Polish vodka making tradition. Distilled exclusively from the finest Dankowskie Gold Rye and quadruple distilled to create the perfect balance of character and purity, Belvedere Vodka is the true expression of luxury vodka. Completely additive-free and diluted with water from Belvedere's own artesian well, this is a vodka that combines over 600 years of vodka producing expertise with an uncompromising commitment to quality and heritage.
Belvedere Vodka has notes of vanilla and rye on the palate, the finish is crisp and clean with lingering white pepper spice.
It has a distinctive creamy mouth feel.Its aromas are a blend of vanilla, rye and white pepper.
Alc: 40%
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