ZOA Kiwifruit Vodka 700ml
ZOA Kiwifruit Vodka 700ml
A smooth, refreshing vodka that beautifully captures the ripe, summery taste of New Zealand’s classic green kiwifruit. With aromas of lush kiwifruit, light citrus, and delicate hints of mint and elderflower, this spirit offers a clean, fresh flavor layered with notes of honeysuckle, ripe watermelon, and rose. Made from our award-winning Pure Vodka, it’s perfect enjoyed straight, over ice, or as a refreshing addition to a Mai Tai or Margarita.
This fresh, clean vodka beautifully captures the ripe, summery taste of New Zealand’s classic green kiwifruit. The warm sweetness from the ripe, late-season fruit wonderfully balances the contrasting kiwifruit tang in this smooth and refreshing spirit. The aroma is pleasantly warm and instantly inviting, with the unmistakable and enchanting scent of lush kiwifruit. Secondary notes soften to reveal light citrus and delicate hints of mint and elderflower.
An initial sip rewards the palate with the clean taste of freshly scooped green kiwifruit. The distilled and filtered vodka is crystal clear, yet the imagination deliciously fills in the accompanying fleshy texture. The warm flavours ease into a lightly herbaceous profile, with wonderfully contrasting notes of honeysuckle, ripe watermelon, and rose.
Our Kiwifruit Vodka uses our Pure Vodka as a base, which was awarded the trophy for Best Overall Vodka at the 2023 New Zealand Spirits Awards. Enjoy straight, over ice, or add a refreshing contrast to a Mai Tai or Margarita.
Abv: 40%
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