Camshorn Riesling 2023 750ml
Camshorn Riesling 2021 750ml
Hit the road and cruise north of Christchurch for an hour or so and you’ll hit the Waipara – home of some of NZ’s top aromatic style producers.
In a space that was formerly a sheep farm is now Camshorn, a vineyard that sits nestled between two hills and is nicely sheltered from the prevailing winds. With its mixture of clay and gravel soils (Glasnevin Gravel soil type for you budding soil scientists out there!) they can make some pretty stunning Riesling.
They slap “Classic” on the label as this is the style that originated in the Rhine region of Germany – a lush sweetness with crisp acidity and a slightly lower alcohol of just 10.5%. Perfect for a cheeky lunchtime tipple! Also, the ideal style to go with sweet or spicy Asian cuisine.
Alc: 10.5%
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