Tua Rita Redigaffi 2021 750ml - Italy
Tua Rita Redigaffi 2021 750ml
Tua Rita Redigaffi is a prestigious and sought-after red wine from Tuscany, Italy. This exceptional wine is made from 100% Merlot grapes, grown in the vineyards of Suvereto, in the heart of the Bolgheri region. The wine is aged for 18 months in French oak barrels, resulting in a rich, complex, and full-bodied wine with intense aromas of red fruits, spices, and a hint of vanilla. On the palate, the wine is velvety smooth, with well-integrated tannins and a long, lingering finish. Tua Rita Redigaffi is a true masterpiece, showcasing the best of Tuscan winemaking and providing a unique and unforgettable tasting experience.
99 points James Suckling
The aromas are really something else with red fruits, black olives, spices like cardamon and nutmeg, as well as hints of tar and meat. It’s full-bodied yet in check and focus with fine, fine tannins that roll over the palate and create beautiful motion. Chewy yet silky and endless. A great young merlot.
Alc: 15.5%
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