Grahams Port

Graham's 10Yo Tawny Port 750ml

$59.00 $69.99you save $10.99

Graham's 10Yo Port 750ml

Graham's 10 Years Old Tawny Port is a tribute to craftsmanship. It epitomizes the passion for excellence and precision that is at the heart of every one of Graham's handmade Tawny Ports. After a decade of care and slow oak maturation this wine is a wonderful example of the complex flavours of Tawny Port. This is a Port wine for those who appreciate quality in every detail.

This has a zesty, sweet floral aroma, with delicate, well-spiced flavours of apple tart, flan and cocoa powder. The plush, mouth filling finish of cream, vanilla and raspberry is fresh and balanced. 

Alc: 20%

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