Penderyn Legend Single Malt 700ml
Penderyn Legend Single Malt 700ml
Somewhere in the late nineties, a group of friends were sitting in a pub somewhere in Wales. They openly dreamt about building a Whisky distillery. And after a lot of effort, it was ready in 2004. After more than a hundred years Wales had a distillery; The Penderyn. They make Whisky of excellent quality on a small scale. The Legend has matured in bourbon barrels and gets a finish on Portuguese Madeira barrels. The end result is soft and spicy with lots of character.
The Nose: Crisp, fresh, and fruity…but also spirity. There’s plump golden raisins, Honeycrisp apples, and hints of red berries along with thinnish honey and powdered sugar. Candied almonds, pithy orange, and a bit of nail polish remover. The oak is mild but sharp-edged and fresh-shellacked with powdered ginger and vanilla bean.
The Palate: While this remains a lighter whisky, there’s more happening on the palate. More honey, more golden raisins, warm applesauce, and subtler dried fruits. Sugared nuts, baker’s chocolate, and frosted oat flakes. The oak is stronger here, too. Edgy boards, nicely tannic with vanilla bean, candied ginger, and allspice berries.
The Finish: Thinnish and shortish. A bit of fruit and sugared grain fade to some grippy oak, allspice, and vanilla bean.
ABV: 41%
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