Waiheke Whisky
Waiheke Whisky Oak & Rye 700ml - NZ Whisky
Waiheke Whisky Oak & Rye 700ml
This delicious American style whisky is made from 51% corn, 21% rye and
28% Barley. Matured in our oceanside barrel house, it has a grassy, spicy tone
with a distinct Rye note.
Look for notes of toasted oak, spices and vanilla. Cream corn and smooth
caramel finishes with a hint of rye bite.
Colour: Burnt Caramel
Nose: Sweet oak, spice and vanilla.
Platate: Toasted oak, spices and vanilla, cream corn and smooth caramel,
summer grass.
Finish: Spicy finish with distinct rye notes.
ABV: 40%
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