Cardhu Gold Reserve 700ml
Cardhu Gold Reserve 700ml
Rich and beautifully tasting Single Malt Scotch Whisky from the Cardhu family, Fairly dry with biscuity oak and a little cinnamon, plus toffee and apple notes, Serve in a large balloon glass neat or with a little water. Gold Reserve also offers up some new, fruity flavours when served with ice, Master Blender Matthew Crow has carefully selected casks to create a mouth-wateringly sweet, rich and mellow Single Malt whisky, One of the most distinctive, luxurious Scotch Whisky bottles in the world.
Tasting notesColour: Amber.
Nose: sweet, warm, red apple peel, pears, marzipan.
Taste: Sweet, rich, mild, dry, orange, toffee, notes of cedar wood and cocoa.
Finish: Long lasting, warming, dry, peppery, notes of menthol, herbs, almonds and apples.
Alc: 40%
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