Amrut Fusion Single Malt 700ml
Amrut Fusion Single Malt 700ml
- WHISKY OF THE YEAR at the World Whiskies Awards 2011.
- MASTER 2001 at The Spirits Business Awards, London 2011
- GRANDMASTER at The Spirits Business Awards, London 2011
Amrut is a brand of Indian single malt whisky, manufactured by the Amrut Distilleries in Bangalore. It is the first single malt whisky to be made in India. Amrut, according to the company, translates as "Elixir of Life”. The brand became famous after whisky connoisseur Jim Murray declared Amrut Fusion single malt whisky as one of the world’s best whiskies in the 2010 edition of his annual Whisky Bible.
Heavy, complex, oak, barley sugar, soft smoke. Solid, smoked, peat, notes of sherry, oak, vanilla, fruit, barley, chocolate. Long-lasting, dry peat.
Alc: 50%
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