Ballantine 12YO Scottish Blends 750ml
Ballantine 12YO Scottish Blends 750ml
A very old brand of blended whisky that can trace its history back to 1827. Ballantine’s does extremely well on mainland Europe and in South America. This blend has an excellent pedigree of malt whiskies, with Miltonduff and Glenburgie lying at the heart of the whisky. In total, Ballantine’s use over 50 grain and malt whiskies to create their uniquely flavoured spirit. No spirit used in the production of this blend had rested in Ballantine’s Dumbarton East bonded warehouse for less than 12 years. This is a whisky that demonstrates the skill of Master Blender Sandy Hyslop: perfectly balanced, flavoursome yet approachable.
Alc: 40%
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