
Belvedere Vodka 200ml


Belvedere Vodka 200ml 

Belvedere is the world's first super premium vodka, and is credited as the original and true expression of luxury vodka, created from 600 years of Polish vodka-making tradition. Polish Dankowskie Rye and quadruple-distilled to create the perfect balance of character and purity. All Natural, No Sugar Added, Made with Non-GMO Rye, Distilled 4 times. Hailing from Poland - the birthplace of vodka - Belvedere draws on 600 years of Polish vodka making tradition. Belvedere is distilled exclusively from Polish Dankowskie Rye - a rare ingredient that gives Belvedere Vodka its delicious, unique taste. Belvedere utilizes its own proprietary artesian water source.

ABV: 40%

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