Black Magic

Black Magic Spiced Rum 700ml


Black Magic Spiced Rum 700ml

A premium dark spiced rum with a secret blend of various spices, resulting in an exquisite aroma and a smooth pallet.

Before time itself, legend tells of a small island off the coast of modern-day Africa. The island "could not be found by compass or sexton." The story goes on to describe an island inhabited by natives so uninhibited and full of gaiety and life that anyone meeting them would instantly fall under their enchanted spell.

Though she could not save her home, she could save its soul. Through various invocations and charms of an ancient magic "a magic that predates all other magic, but from which voodoo and all types of conjuring draw their roots" the sorceress captured the essence and spirit of her people and infused it into the native drink.

Alc: 40%

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