GH Mumm
GH. Mumm Cordon Rose 750ml
GH. Mumm Cordon Rose 750ml
The first Champagne Mumm rosé appeared in 1860 under the name Royal Rosé. At that time, the house supplied many royal courts all over Europe (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, ) and one century later, the prestige is still here!
Formed by three German brothers who crossed the border to France in 1827. These days it’s full throttle for Mumm, pronounced moom, churning out a staggering 8 million bottles to every corner of the globe per year.
The beautiful salmon color of this champagne proposes orange shades and abundant bubbles. Aromas of red fruits and pink grapefruit, light notes of vanilla caramel: everything is freshness, finesse and subtlety.
Alc: 12%
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