Greystone Rose 2024 750ml
Greystone Rose 2024 750ml
It was slightly warmer, slightly wetter and slightly sunnier, giving us wonderful conditions for growing grapes. After a temperate winter, budburst was slightly earlier than usual, and although spring frosts were frequent, they were mercifully mild. Regular spring rainfall mixed with good sunshine hours through November and December helped ensure healthy vine growth and moderate bunch sizes.
Pinot Noir fruit was soaked overnight in cool conditions to allow for gentle extraction of flavour and colour before we gently pressed to tank for settling. Our Riesling portion was pressed as whole bunches for finesse of flavour and after two days settling the juice from each variety was racked clean and blended together. A long fermentation ensued, followed by an extended time of three months of full fermentation lees contributing subtle textures and length.
Alc: 12%
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