
Greystone Organic Sauvignon Blanc 2023 750ml


 Greystone Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

'Excellent '- Cam Douglas MS

Ripe peach, apricot and nectarine flesh aromas with delicate floral highlights. Palate is generous with luscious fruits, creamy texture and a defined finish. Well-rounded, structured and unique style.

Fermented in aged barriques with wild yeast for greater complexity, using a mix of Loire and Bordeaux clones, allowed to age on lees and for partial malolactic ferment to lend it creamy texture and richness. No additions made during fermentation. Unlike any other Sauvignon from New Zealand.

We settled the fresh juice after a gentle pressing. We ferment all of our Sauvignon in old French Oak barrels with wild yeast taking six months to get through to dryness. This prolonged fermentation provides layers and complexity. We allow the wine to go through 50% MLF before we rack out of barrels for blending. This organic wine was estate bottled without fining.

Alc: 13%

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