Half Hitch Gin 700ml
Half Hitch Gin 700ml
The intriguing combination of black tea, bergamot, wood, hay and pepper was chosen with Camden’s rich history of trade in mind to create a gin of distinction. Each ingredient is carefully selected from around the world for the finest quality at the peak of seasonality. Of particular note, the finest single estate Malawian black tea is hand-blended with Calabrian bergamot, sourced from ancient citrus groves in Southern Italy, to create one of Britain’s most iconic tea flavours - Earl Grey – an exotic yet quintessentially British taste.
Tasting Notes: The unique combination of ingredients and production processes, particularly the use of tinctures, gives HALF HITCH its distinctive colour and taste. On the nose you will discover lifting and aromatic notes of light citrus followed by spicy, fresh cracked pepper and juniper berry. On the palate, note tones of sweet orange, nutmeg and rich black tea before a long finish with lingering touches of cinnamon and fresh lemon zest.
Alc: 40%
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