Jonny Q

Johnny Q Shiraz Viognier 2020 750ml


Johnny Q Shiraz Viognier 750ml

Johnny Q is the hardworking, effervescent, easy-going range that represents not only the winemaker but the nature of the wines. “Never take life too seriously” is the motto of Johnny Q; it is winemaker John Quarisa’s quirky and good-humoured approach to life that inspires this exceptional, full-flavoured approachable range. Johnny Q Wines are fresh, flavoursome, fruit-driven, quality and consistent with grapes sourced from various renowned viticultural regions in South Australia.

Winemaking is a science and an art. Who knows if it was the scientist or the artist that came up with the idea of blending red and white wine, but whoever did was a genius! The smallest amount of Viognier transforms the already spectacular ripe, berry Shiraz into a wine of depth, complexity and youthful intensity – true indulgence.

Alc: 14.5%

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