Jules Taylor OTQ SV Rose 2020 750ml
Jules Taylor OTQ SV Rose 750ml
This wine has a perfect pink petal hue and is brimming with light summer fruits with pomegranate and raspberry, yet it summons patisserie accents with hints of baked fig, cinnamon and nutmeg. The palate exhibits bright and fresh red summer fruits followed by subtle tones of natural honeydew and Manuka flower. The most compelling thing about this wine is its balance between crisp dryness and its mouth-watering acidity. Exhibiting exuberant flavours of red summer fruits with juicy acidity followed by subtle tones of quince and apple blossom, it flows effortlessly through the palate with a perfect balance of texture, acidity and minerality. Most compelling is the incredible length of this wine, providing you with a silky yet refreshingly dry finish.
Alc: 13.5%
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