Luc Belaire French Sparkling Rare Rose 750ml -- France
Luc Belaire Rare Rose 750ml
A favorite of rapper Rick Ross, Luc Belaire Rare Rose has really taken off in the past year. Seen on music videos and in night clubs, this wonderful wine is the fastest growing brand out there. Slightly sweeter than Moet Imperial Rose, this is the perfect drink for summer parties, barbecues, weddings and many more ocassions.
Luc Belaire is made from Grenache, Syrah and Cinsault grapes. They are grown in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, one of France's most beautiful regions.
On the eye there is the effervescence of a good Champagne, but with a deeper red color.
On the nose are aromas of strawberry and blackcurrant.
On the palate there is a sweet, fruity finish.
Luc Belaire Rare Rose is best served as an aperitif or with fruit dishes and is also great in cocktails.
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