Main Divide Riesling 2022/2023 750ml
Main Divide Riesling 750ml
Main Divide is the local name for the Southern Alps and is the backbone of the South Island, where grapes for Main Divide are exclusively sourced. Vineyards have been selected for their quality and ability to express unique regional flavours
Tasting Note:
On release the colour is pale lemon. A concentrated core of citrus delights the nose, underscored with green apple, tamarind, potpourri, honeysuckle, and a hint of wet stone minerality. The palate is rich and symphonic, with layers of texture and flavour contrasted by sassy acidity and a hint of spritzig that give the wine a lively and energetic flow. Subtle sweetness completes the package, augmenting its mouthfeel and setting up for a long-lasting and harmonious finish.
Alc: 12%
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