McGuigan Single Batch Project Dry Rose 2022 750ml
McGuigan Single Batch Project Dry Rose 750ml
In 1880 the love of wine begun for the McGuigan family, since then four generations have made wine their life. This has contributed to the history and international success of McGuigan wines. Based in the Hunter Valley, the brand was founded on a very simple philosophy: produce the best wines, at the best possible price point.
The idea behind this single batch rosé is that it’s made from grapes grown in a small select area and not from the more usual vast areas of south Australia where McGuigan make their wines. So in theory it should have some unique flavours. Well not as far as my taste buds can tell. This is a perfectly nice, standard flavour rosé, being both light and fruity with notes of apple and lemon and some creamy strawberry.
NEW- A touch richer than the Provence rose style with a palate of juicy strawberries and melons. Some sweetness make it ideal with Asian style dishes.
Alc: 12.5%
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