Mills Reef
Mills Reef Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2022 750ml
Mills Reef Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2022 750ml
The grapes for this delicious Sauvignon Blanc were grown in the highly acclaimed Awatere Valley region of Marlborough. With a lead in of an extended summer dry period, March provided the ultimate growing conditions with warm days and cool nights, enabling the fruit to have enhanced flavours while retaining acid. 2021 produced clean, healthy, flavoursome fruit. The fruit for this wine was harvested on 29th March 2021 in immaculate condition and balance
This deliciously vibrant Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, in an off-dry style, offers intense passionfruit and gooseberry accompanied with attractive lime, grapefruit, melon and lychee notes.
Alc: 13%
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