Moet Chandon Rose Imperial 750ml
Moet Chandon Rose Imperial 750ml
Moët & Chandon Imperial Rosé NV is a champagne that captivates with its radiant colour, intense fruitiness and seductive palate. As the most extroverted and glamorous expression of the House's style, it embodies the essence of celebration and elegance. Crafted with meticulous care, this exquisite rosé champagne combines the three traditional cépages of Champagne, with a dominant presence of Pinot Noir and Meunier. The production process begins by creating red and white still wines separately. This unique approach allows Moët & Chandon to preserve the extraction, aromatics, structure and intense pink colour that define the Rosé Impérial. The result is a champagne that entices the senses with its vibrant hue and alluring aromas. With each sip, the intense fruitiness takes center stage, offering a burst of flavors that dance on the palate. The balance between the three cépages creates a harmonious symphony of taste, making Moët & Chandon Imperial Rosé NV a true masterpiece.
On the eye: A glowing color. Pink with amber highlights
On the nose: A lively, intense bouquet of red fruits (wild strawberry, raspberry, cherry). Floral nuances of rose. A slight hint of pepper
On the palate: The juicy, persistent intensity of berries (strawberry, raspberry, redcurrant). The fleshiness and firmness of peach. The freshness of a subtle note of menthol
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