Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2023 750ml
Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2022 750ml
DescriptionAroma - Lifted floral notes, grapefruit and white peach.
Palate - Distinctive flavours of passionfruit and sweet lime intermingled with layers of minerality. The mid-palate is rich and textured with mouth-watering acidity.
Harvested in the cool of the morning at peak flavour maturity. Gentle juice extraction, cold settled and fermented in stainless steel tanks and a portion in older oak with a range of aromatic yeasts providing a layer of texture and complexity.
VineyardSpring frosts during flowering led to smaller bunches and lighter crops this vintage. Impeccable weather throughout the ripening period, combined with warm days and cool nights resulted in well-balanced flavour and acidity.
Alc: 13%
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