
Stroh 80% Rum 700ml


Stroh 80% Rum 700ml

This one from Stroh weighs in at a hefty 80% alc/vol and is limited to 500ml bottles. Stroh is unusual in that is distilled from herbs and fruit, as opposed to sugar cane and will come as something of a novelty for the rum connoisseur or maybe equally appreciated as a cough soother. The unmistakable aroma of Stroh makes it indispensable for the creation of typical Austrian sweet dishes.


Deep sienna brown / old copper colour. The penetrating aroma opens with notes of caramelised onion and burnt herbs. Aeration draws out a sweet core of over-cooked fruits while the spirit prickles the nostrils. The palate is bitter and tannic on entry before an achingly intense, prickly and hot, bitter-sweet attack; hints of toasted almond and fruit cake are followed by a touch of a rubber band on the finish. The tongue piercing spice and spirit heat continue to flame the mouth well into the aftertaste, turning bone dry as the fruit cake flavours fade. Lip numbing, and just way too much spirit heat to make this enjoyable straight.

ABV: 80% 

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