
Taittinger Prestige Rose Champagne 750ml


Taittinger Rose Champagne 750ml

A legacy since 1734, Champagne Taittinger is the largest eponymous family owned Champagne House and one of the top, independent champagne brands in the world. This family of growers cultivates the second largest vineyard in the Champagne region. The composition of the house’s cuvées is a result of an intuitive and complex process, one which the Taittinger family know how to create and sustain; a Champagne which is completely unique.

Taittinger Prestige Rosé can be enjoyed both early on and at the end of an evening. Deliciously fragranced for an aperitif, it is also a subtle accompaniment to fruit desserts, including fruit tart, fruit salad and red fruit crumble.

Alc: 12.5%

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