Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 2024 750ml
Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
This wine showcases the youthful, fresh and vibrant characteristics of Marlborough. Initially, the cool climate Awatere aromas jump out of the glass, such as lemongrass, jalapeño peppers and fresh herbs. In contrast, the Wairau Valley has warmer summer months, influencing vineyards to produce a pungent Sauvignon Blanc with ripe citrus and tropical fruit flavours.
Serving Suggestions: A perfect aperitif wine, serve chilled on warm summer days. Fresh herbal flavours match well with most salads, whereas the riper tropical flavours match well with many fish recipes.
Vintage: Summer was dry and mild with Marlborough’s signature high sunshine hours and cool nights delivering fruit in the best possible condition. The early autumn season provided Marlborough with very stable weather conditions therefore fruit was able to reach optimum physiological and flavour ripeness. The fruit was impeccably clean and the lower yields meant that the grapes packed a punch in flavour and concentration.
Alc: 13.5%
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