Z0A Feijoa Vodka 700ml


ZOA Feijoa Vodka 700ml

A smooth, refreshing vodka that captures the essence of New Zealand’s iconic feijoa fruit. With aromas of freshly sliced feijoas, new-mown grass, and pineapple, this spirit offers a warm, sweet taste layered with delicate notes of strawberry, rose, and white-fleshed peach. Made from our award-winning Pure Vodka, enjoy ZOA straight over ice, in a fruit cocktail, or mixed with Ch’i sparkling water for a classic Falling Water cocktail.

This vodka beautifully captures the gentle fusion of New Zealand’s iconic feijoa fruit, resulting in a smooth, refreshing spirit. The subtle and varied layers and flavours of this sweet fruit require a complex and delicate distillation process, using lush ripe feijoas to perfectly capture the distinctive fragrance.

The aroma celebrates freshly sliced feijoas, with layers of new-mown grass and pineapple. The initial sip rewards the palate with the taste of warm, sweet, and unmistakable feijoa, invoking childhood memories of autumn feasts under the backyard tree. As the alcohol warmth fades, secondary layers emerge with hints of strawberry, rose, and white-fleshed peach, lingering to a beautiful, fresh finish.

Our Feijoa Vodka uses our Pure Vodka as a base, which was awarded the trophy for Best Overall Vodka at the 2023 New Zealand Spirits Awards. Enjoy ZOA over ice, as an elegant base for a fruit cocktail, or mixed with Ch’i sparkling water for the classic Falling Water cocktail.

Abv: 40%

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